The Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation (IHPI) at the University of Michigan launched policy sprints to close the gap between the timeliness of policy issues and the life cycle of traditional research projects. As a result, IHPI policy sprints were created and have helped shape local, state, and federal health policies.

My Role
Digital design
Publication design
Web design

State-University Partnership to Enhance Outreach to Adults Living with Sickle Cell Disease in Michigan (December 2022), view brief at www.ihpi.umich/sicklecell

Promotional Objective
IHPI helps health policy researchers at the university engage with lawmakers and other policy stakeholders so they can effectively communicate their findings and improve health policy and practice. However, there is often a lag between the need to create policies that address emerging healthcare issues and the life cycle of traditional health policy research, creating a challenge for applying timely evidence to policy and practice. To address this gap, in 2018, IHPI launched their first open call for policy sprints, which challenge university researchers to rapidly analyze and address timely health policy questions. Specifically, IHPI sought to have policy sprints address one or more of the following research objectives:
1. Evaluate the impact of health policies and practices
2. Improve the health of communities
3. Promote greater value in health care
4. Innovate health care delivery and technology

Potential Impact of an Abortion Ban in Michigan on Driving Distance for Services (October 2022), view brief at

Policy sprints create a variety of owned media for the university, such as policy briefs, visual abstracts, infographics, blog posts, social media graphics, custom webpages, and newsletter graphics, as well as faculty members who continue to share their findings months later at relevant forums, briefings, and other events. These evidence-based deliverables highlight key takeaways from the faculty's research and the policy implications. These policy sprints also leverage paid media by promoting policy sprint findings and policy recommendations on social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. And these policy briefs generate various types of earned media, including citation by researchers at other universities. 

Examining Equity in Access to Heart Transplantation After 2018 Policy Change (November 2021), view brief at

IHPI allows faculty members to apply for up to $10,000 in funding for each policy sprint. Funds can only be used for direct research costs, such as payroll expenses for hiring students, research assistants, or analysts; expenses for database subscriptions, interview transcription services, and travel expenses. However, researchers can have IHPI apply any remaining funds towards additional promotion of their research through owned or paid media. 
Tracking COVID-19 in Michigan: Online Tools to Support Data-Driven Public Health Responses (August 2021), view brief at
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